Education is a top priority in Schleswig. Four primary schools and six secondary schools, including two comprehensive schools, a vocational training centre and two traditional grammar schools are open to Schleswig’s pupils.
The educational offering is additionally supplemented by three Danish schools, one of which is a comprehensive school with an upper secondary school, and five school centres for special needs, among them the public special needs educational centre Hearing, including a boarding school, the public special needs educational centre Seeing and the public special needs educational centre Speech + Language.
Not only Schleswig’s citizens but all our guests also are very welcome to use the offers of the Volkshochschule Schleswig as well as the Stadtbücherei.
And furthermore: Whether a district music school, a Protestant family education centre or a rock-pop academy - Schleswig offers a wide range of opportunities for people of all ages who want to improve and widen their education or intensify their hobbies.